Tunbridge Trails

Trails Status

Tunbridge’s trails (including those designated on this map), are listed below at their current status. At least one trail steward per trail will be appointed by the Trails Committee. The trails steward will at times choose to close the trail if maintenance is required or in the case of seasonal or weather-related events. The Selectboard has the ultimate control over the use of the town’s Legal Trails.

  • Cross Road (LT-1, 0.73 miles) – Closed while under planning review. Trail Steward is Jonathan Bicknell (email)
  • Baptist Hill (LT-2, 0.7 miles) – Closed while under planning review. Trail Stewards are Rudi Ruddell (email) and Thornton Hayslett (email)
  • Orchard (LT-3, 0.72 miles) – Open to walking only. Always heed signs posted at trailheads. Trail Stewards are Rudi Ruddell (email) and Thornton Hayslett (email)
  • Falls Hill (LT-4, 0.3 miles) – The trail is open to walking and bicycling. Trail Steward is Susan Salster (email)
  • Wicopy Woods (1.1 miles) – The trail is open to walking, skiing, snowshoeing and bicycling. Trail Steward is Brenda Field (email)

The Planning Commission hosted a series of community discussions in early 2021 to develop a policy regarding the use of Tunbridge’s Legal Trails. The Trails Committee was established to carry on their work. Follow this link to see the committee’s upcoming meeting agendas and recent minutes.

» Shared Resources

» Public Comments

» Legal Trails Community Discussions