
The Tunbridge Selectboard meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. The meetings begin at 6 p.m. and are open to the public.

Members of the Selectboard

Gary Mullen, Chair
Email: [email protected]
Barn: 802-889-3323
Home: 802-889-3242
Cell: 802-369-9159

Mike McPhetres, Vice Chair
Email: [email protected]
Cell: 802-272-6108
Shop: 802-728-3390

John O’Brien, Clerk
Email: [email protected]
Main: 802-889-3474

Mariah Cilley, Administrative Assistant
Office: 802-889-5521

Regular Selectboard meetings are being held every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 6 p.m. in the Town Office building. Members of the public are able to join this meeting either in person or via Zoom.

Follow this link to join the Zoom Meeting.

Meeting ID: 421 247 6981
Passcode: 004036
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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
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+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 421 247 6981
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Selectboard agenda for October 22, 2024

Recent Meetings

Oct. 8, 2024
Agenda | Minutes | Video

Sept. 24, 2024
Agenda | Minutes | Video

Follow this link to see agendas and minutes from prior Selectboard meetings.

Alcohol and Cannabis Use Policy

The Selectboard approved an Alcohol and Cannabis Use Policy for the town’s public places during their June 11, 2024, meeting. Follow this link to read or download the policy.

Transfer Station Policy

Click here to see a draft of the Town of Tunbridge Transfer Station Policy.

Conflict of Interest

Follow this link to see a draft of the Town of Tunbridge Conflict of Interest Policy, which the Selectboard will vote on at their October 12, 2021, meeting.


Appropriations requested of the Town of Tunbridge need to be submitted by Dec. 1 of each year in order to be considered for a vote at the following Town Meeting.

Town Reports

Current and past Town Reports can be read or downloaded by following this link.

Getting on the Agenda

The Administrative Assistant and Selectboard members are those who can add items and issues to the Agenda. If they feel they can’t resolve your concerns by telephone or a meeting then they will have it added to the next Agenda as New Business.

If you have a topic that concerns you and you feel it needs to be addressed your first step would be to contact any of the individuals listed above by phone or email.

If you have documentation for the issue a good idea would to bring copies of the documentation with you to any meeting with members of the board and to a Selectboard meeting if you attend one. Please be sure to have at least 4 copies for the board members and the Administrative Assistant.

The Selectboard will continue with your issue until it is resolved.