Town Forest Committee

Members of the Town Forest Committee

Gary Mullen, chair
Members are Gordy Barnaby, Brenda Field, Dave Kimball, Lee Lawrence, Larry Mengedoht, Fred Pond and Rudi Ruddell

The committee schedules meetings for the third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Town Offices. It is not uncommon for meetings to be cancelled if there are no pressing matters or there is not a quorum. Contact Rudi Ruddell with questions, 802-889-9822 or [email protected]

Tunbridge Town Forest Mission

The Tunbridge Town Forest is sustainably managed for multiple uses for the benefit of current and future generations of Tunbridge residents and visitors. Management activities seek to enhance and protect various environmental and economic resources such as wildlife, water, educational and recreational experiences, cultural/historic sites, and wood products. Through an adaptive and scientific management approach, the Town’s stewardship of this property will serve as a demonstration model and inspiration for other landowners.

Rules of Use

Follow this link to read or download the rules of use for Wicopy Woods, and click here for Drew Lot’s.

Recent Meetings

Oct. 9, 2024
Agenda | Minutes

May 22, 2024
Agenda | Minutes

Follow this link to see agendas and minutes from prior Forest Committee meetings.

2011 Tunbridge Town Forest Management Plan

(links to read or download):
Maps of the forest lots
Powerpoint presentation
The Plan