Green Up Day is an annual statewide tradition that began in 1970 -- public areas are cleaned up by volunteers. Bags can be picked up starting the week before at the Town Clerk's office, the Tunbridge Public Library or Tunbridge Central School. Full bags can be dropped off at the Transfer Station, free of charge. ... Read more
Monthly meeting of the Tunbridge School Club, where parents, school personnel and community members plan events, hear new ideas, review funding requests and manage the organization. Children may come along to do homework, read or play games in the library.
Tunbridge Recreation Committee’s all-you-can-eat breakfast. It is a fundraiser for the Community Food Shelf, which serves people from Tunbridge and the area.
A public forum to review Tunbridge's Town Plan, part of its five-year rewrite. The planning commission is asking for comment on the summary of changes to the plan.
Annual Memorial Day celebration in Tunbridge village: 9 a.m., Library Friends book and plant sales at library and Town Hall bake sale, non-profits on Parish House lawn. Town Hall memorial service 11-11:30 a.m. Parade followed by ceremony at Civil War monument. Fire Department chicken and Recreation Commission events at fairgrounds.