
The following Town of Tunbridge positions are open:

Road Repairs

Follow this link to read or download the Town of Tunbridge’s Request for Proposals (RFP) to repair flood damage at Strafford and Hanson Roads. RFP bids must be received by August 8, 2023.

Transfer Station Attendant

The Town of Tunbridge is seeking a Transfer Station Attendant. The Transfer Station Attendant (TSA) works every Saturday of the year, from 8:45am to 3:15pm, as well as Wednesday afternoons from 2:45pm to 6:15pm in the winter and 3:45pm to 7:15pm in the summer. The TSA is responsible for monitoring the sorting of household waste into correct receptacles and helping residents when necessary. Residents are required to purchase “tickets” that are paid to the TSA based on the quantity and type of items disposed of. The TSA is expected to periodically check in with the Selectboard on Transfer Station matters. Timeliness, willingness to help residents and good communication skills are required.

Interest can be expressed with the Town Clerk, Mariah Cilley at 802-889-5521, town.clerk@tunbridgevt.org or by mail at PO Box 6 Tunbridge, VT 05077.