Fuel Loan Assistance Committee

Ben Wolfe, Chair Home: 802-889-9467 Email: Tunbridge.Fuel.Assistance@gmail.com Our Committee’s mission is to steward the use of the Fuel Assistance Loan Fund for no-interest loans to Tunbridge residents, allowing them to…

Town Forest Committee

Members of the Town Forest Committee Gary Mullen, chair Members are Gordy Barnaby, Brenda Field, Dave Kimball, Lee Lawrence, Larry Mengedoht, Fred Pond and Rudi Ruddell The committee schedules meetings…

ARPA Funds

communication. Radios will coordinate ongoing communication between the town office, fire departments, and road crew; plus the state police during emergencies – for plowing and bad storms, reporting hazards, keeping…

Town Nurse

Jodi Hoyt 802-249-8956 Email: Healthofficertunbridgevt@gmail.com We are proudly announcing the launch of the first-ever Tunbridge Town Nurse! Tunbridge community voted on the need for a community nurse in 2020/2021. The…